Undergraduate Orthopaedics Topics

This syllabus is provided as optional supplemental reading and is not meant to replace your normal lectures or lectures notes which remain your primary source of information.  

There will be overlap with your lectures and lecture notes and is meant to provide a standard set of information for all undergraduate students studying orthopedics.

These notes are organised systematically by presentation, cause, diagnosis and recommended treatment that you as the a general practioner should be able to handle and how to proceed with management.

The notes are richly illustrated with images so that the subject matter can be easily remembered and recall for clinical application.  

The topics provided here follow the guideline of must know, must see and good to know.

Below is a list of topics with links to the relevant chapters.

The aims of these supplemental reading are:
1. Provide a set of uniform basic knowledge on general orthpedics principles that a general practitioner should know.
2. Enable the general practitioner to provide first line orthopedic problem as a first line treatment and refer to specialist when appropriate and to understand consultation note and discuss intelligently with his patient the specialist's recommendation.
3. Each topic is flagged as must know, must see, good to know.
4. How physical examinations should be conducted based on history, presentation and provisional diagnosis.

2.  My teaching approach is that of Dr. Robert Salter who was my orthopedic supervisor.
He approach each orthopedic condition like a detective mystery.

Murder mystery   My orthopedic teaching approach here

Topics :  under construction

Style of Material Presentation (Problem based)

Arm the students with the necessary orthopedic knowledge to enable him to provide first line basic orthopedic care and recognise when to refer patients at appropriate time to specialist. Know what are the orthopedic emergencies that require urgent referral for immediate intervention.  The government has a mandate for general practitioner to be medical gatekeepers especially in polyclinics.  This philosophy is reflected in my teaching approach. 

 (ER TV Series)